Mission Green is reaching out directly to President Biden with a plea. In its recent proclamation, Mission Green is asking President Biden to follow the examples of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter by:
Issuing a categorial pardon for individuals who have been convicted of federal, non-violent marijuana offenses and who are not currently incarcerated on those offenses.
Issuing a general pardon and commuting the sentences for individuals who are federally incarcerated on non-violent, marijuana-only offenses for activity no longer considered criminal.
President Biden shares our concern and frustration around this issue. In November 2019, during a Democratic Primary Debate, he stated: “I think we should decriminalize marijuana, period. And I think everyone—anyone who has a record—should be let out of jail, their records expunged, be completely zeroed out.” He was right then and remains right today.
Contact the White House and let them know you support releasing all individuals sentenced to prison for non-violent marijuana offenses and fully pardoning anyone with a nonviolent marijuana felony conviction. Tell them relief from the federal war on marijuana would not only be just, it also would be good for public safety and the economy.
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